St. Mark the Evangelist Elementary School

55 West 138th Street, New York, NY 10037
55 West 138th Street New York New York 10037 US
Mr. Dominic Fanelli, Principal

St. Mark the Evangelist School offers a program of academic excellence in a Catholic environment. The school was founded by St. Katherine Drexel for African-American children in Harlem and has served the community for over 100 years.

School At-a-Glance

Grades Pre-K to 8; Middle States Accredited; After-school program (4-6 pm); Extended Academic Day (8am -4pm); Breakfast and Lunch programs; Library (Author Study Program brings authors and illustrators to the library to meet with students); Literacy consultant; Computer lab; Computers in the classroom with SmartBoard access and video streaming; Academic Support Services include: Remedial Math and Reading programs; Enrichment program includes: Physical Education, Music, Visual Arts program, Ballroom Dancing, Music ensemble, and Choir; Varsity boy’s Basketball team; Photography club