St. Margaret of Cortona-St. Gabriel School
St. Margaret of Cortona-St. Gabriel School was formed at the end of the 2022-23 academic year through the merger of St. Gabriel School with St. Margaret of Cortona School. These two schools combined have educated thousands of children in the Riverdale community for over 90 years, with a curriculum based on Catholic philosophy and values. Each school brings its rich traditions and a dedicated approach to serving the community, offering your child the spiritual, intellectual, personal and social foundation by which they will be able to lead productive and fulfilling Christian lives.
FREE 3K and PreK For All (UPK Site # 10XAEB); and Grades K to 8; Advanced Ed Accredited; Before/After-school program; Free Breakfast and Lunch programs; Fine Arts programs include: Physical Education, Foreign Language class where students may choose one of 34 different languages, Art class, Music class, and a Student Band. Our K- 8 students have individual devices and utilize numerous digital resources for instruction such as: Dreambox, IXL, Raz Kids, Google Classroom, Discovery Education, GrammarFlip, BrainPop, Vocabulary/Spelling City. St. Margaret of Cortona also offers STEM enrichment and Chromebook’s for each student.