St. John Chrysostom Elementary School

1144 Hoe Avenue, Bronx, NY 10459
1144 Hoe Avenue Bronx New York 10459 US
Sr. Mary Elizabeth Mooney, OP, Principal

St. John Chrysostom School is a high achieving, inner-city Catholic school founded and staffed by the Dominican Sisters of Sparkill. For nearly 100 years, St. John Chrysostom School has been making a real difference in the lives of children. Strong values, and striving for excellence are the hallmarks of St. John Chrysostom School.

School At-a-Glance

FREE 3K and PreK For All (UPK Site # 12XADT); and Grades K to 8; Full day Pre-K for ages 3 and 4; Early drop-off (6:15 am); Free breakfast, lunch, and snacks; After-school care until 6 pm; Religious instruction; Sacramental preparation; Computer technology including SmartBoards, and wireless laptops and computers in every classroom; Fully equipped Computer lab; Science lab; Computerized Library; Physical education; Full-time Nurse on staff​.