St. Helena Elementary School

2050 Benedict Avenue, Bronx, NY 10462
2050 Benedict Avenue Bronx New York 10462 US
Mr. Richard Meller, Principal

For over 75 years, Saint Helena School has provided a strong formation in religious and moral education for students of all faiths. St. Helena School prepares your child for high school and beyond by emphasizing the partnership of school, the Church, and home.

School At-a-Glance

Pre-K to 8; Free 3K and PreK for All (UPK Site # 11XADQ); AdvancEd Accredited; Breakfast program begins at 7:00am; Free After-school program for Grades 6, 7 & 8; After-school Program for Pre-K-3 to Grade 5, 2:1 Student Chromebook Ratio; Blended Learning with wireless access ports in every classroom; Tutoring; Enrichment program includes: Music and Art program; CYO Sport activities includes: Basketball, Track, Cheerleading, and Volleyball; Extra-curricular activities include: Cooking Club; Drama club, Yearbook, Coding Club, Student Council, Cub and Boy Scouts; National Junior Honor Society; Monthly sacraments; last year our 8th graders earned over $440,000 in High School scholarships; annual Vision and Dental Screenings for all students; annual School Carnival; NYC MTA Metrocards available; reasonable tuition rates.