St. Benedict Elementary School

1016 Edison Avenue, Bronx, NY 10465
1016 Edison Avenue Bronx New York 10465 US
Ms. Mary Scheer, Principal

St. Benedict is a Catholic Parish School in which gospel truths, values and attitudes are primary to the work of education. St. Benedict’s sees its service of education as contributing to the church, the world, and the local community of Throggs Neck.

School At-a-Glance

St. Benedict School offers Pre-K 3 (full and half days available); Pre-K 4 (full and half days available); Full day Kindergarten through Grade 8; Aligned with the New York State Common Core Curriculum; Enrichment programs such as: Physical Education, Computer classes, Art, and Music; Title I Literacy, Math, and Guidance Program Available; Full-time Nurse Available; Early Morning Drop Off and Aftercare Available; CYO Basketball, Volleyball, and Cheerleading; A wide variety of afterschool clubs available throughout the school year; Google Apps for education in Middle School; Mathletics program offered to all students