Incarnation Elementary School

570 West 175th Street, New York, NY 10033
570 West 175th Street New York New York 10033 US
Ms. Francesca Ciaramitaro, Principal

Incarnation School is a Catholic elementary school in the heart of Washington Heights. Founded in 1910, Incarnation is dedicated to providing the foundation for each child to develop into successful leaders through their faith and with their families. Incarnation strives to create a joyous, faith-filled environment that affirms the uniqueness of each child and academically and spiritually prepares students to walk in God’s grace with confidence and resilience. The administration, faculty, and staff of Incarnation School undertake this responsibility within the context of Catholic tradition. The school aspires to provide a climate in which students feel safe and evolve as thinking, ethical people, who are sensitive to the needs of others.

School At-a-Glance

Free 3K For All and UPK Programs (UPK Site #06MAEE); Kindergarten through 8th grade includes religious instruction and weekly Mass; Curricula follow the Essential Learnings of the Archdiocese of New York and the New York State Standards; 1:1 technology with Chromebooks for every student; Unlimited audiobook access with Learning Ally Audiobook Program; Free breakfast and lunch program; Free after-school Extended Learning Program with Catapult Learning; Enrichment clubs featuring Legos, drama, and art/cartooning; CYO Basketball teams in Grades 3-8.