

Superintendent Deegan on CFN Live

Monsignor Jim Vlaun, president of Catholic Faith Network, interviewed Superintendent of Schools Michael J. Deegan on his show, CFN live on Oct. 22 to speak about how the Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of New York are thriving thanks to a successful reopening. They also speak about how parents, even from public schools, are seeing the value of Catholic education now more than ever and how the schools in the Archdiocese of New York have become a national model for success.

> Click here to view the interview!

October 23rd, 2020|

Staten Island Catholic, private schools see uptick in inquiries, enrollment

Reported by Annalise Knudsen, SI Live on October 6, 2020.

As the 2020-2021 academic year gets underway amid the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in New York City, Catholic and private schools on Staten Island say they are seeing an uptick in inquiries and enrollment.

Parents who are making the switch out of the city’s public school system cite various concerns, including the delay in opening campuses, random coronavirus testing, and no guarantee of live instruction for blended learners on remote days.

Click here to view the full article.

October 8th, 2020|

Superintendents in Archdiocese of NY, Diocese of Brooklyn & Queens Issue Call to Action to Keep Catholic Schools Open

October 6, 2020

Click here to view and download this letter | Haga clic aquí para la versión en español de este anuncio

Dear Catholic Schools Families,

Over the past month, Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of New York and the Diocese of Brooklyn have been open and successfully conducting in-person Catholic education for our students.  Our meticulously planned protocols, designed to keep students and teachers safe, and developed in conformity with city, state, and federal health guidelines, are working.  Having heard from so many of you, we know you are grateful for all the hard work, time, and, yes, money – some $18 million dollars — that went into making sure our Catholic schools could open and operate safely, as they have been doing.

As you are likely aware, a number of areas in New York City and the surrounding counties are seeing an uptick in positive test results for COVID-19. Health experts have told us all along to anticipate such statistical trends as we entered autumn. In reaction to these expected numbers, Governor Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio are instituting drastic measures by shutting down all public and private schools within certain ZIP codes. Rather than judging each school on their individual merits and their fidelity to the protocols set forth by their own administrations, the governor and mayor are painting all institutions with a draconian broad brush.

The safety of our Catholic school communities is paramount. It was that very guiding principle that saw us close our Catholic schools well before the public schools felt it necessary to do so in the Spring of 2020.  Should there be a situation that required a Catholic school to close, we would not need to wait for elected officials to tell us to do so.

Our Catholic schools are faithfully adhering to the guidelines we have established.  Isolated cases of COVID-19 in our Catholic schools have triggered these protocols, and in person learning has safely continued.  The New York City Department of Health has been inspecting our Catholic schools.  All have passed.

If other schools cannot meet the standards needed to operate safely, they should indeed be closed until they demonstrate their ability to do so. In the meantime, it is absolutely unfair to be associated with the non-compliant schools merely because we share a ZIP code.

Our principals, teachers and staff have worked too hard, and you, our families have provided too much support, that we cannot allow government officials to derail the education of your children.  If you agree, please let your elected officials know how you feel, by taking a moment to call and email Governor Cuomo, Mayor de Blasio, your city councilmember, state assembly member, and state senator and tell them to support schools that are working and not to institute these draconian measures.

This message is being delivered to all corners of both our diocese as we are brothers and sisters; part of the greater New York Catholic school community who may very well see these issues arise in your region. As such, we ask you utilize the links provided to reach as many elected officials as possible.

Please call Governor Cuomo directly (518) 474-8390 and Mayor de Blasio at (212) 788-3000.

In order to contact your state and local representatives, please utilize the following links:

All our families should visit Find My Senator as well as Find My NY Assembly Member while those who live within the five boroughs of New York City should also utilize Find My City Council Member


Mr. Michael J. Deegan
Superintendent of Schools
Archdiocese of New York

Thomas Chadzutko, Ed.DR.C.
Diocese of Brooklyn
Superintendent – Catholic Schools Support Services

October 6th, 2020|

New York State Catholic Council Issues Statement on School Closings in NYC “Hot Zones”

For Immediate Release: October 5, 2020

Statement on threat of Covid-19-related school closures in ‘hot zones’

Click here to view and download this statement in English.

Haga clic aquí para la versión en español de este anuncio.

Following is a statement of the New York State Catholic Conference on behalf of the Archdiocese of New York and the Diocese of Brooklyn:

Public officials have indicated that they may pursue the closure of all public and private schools in several COVID-19 “hot zones” in New York City and the Hudson Valley. We strongly urge that any action taken addresses actual problem schools where there is a sustained high rate of infection, rather than a broad-brush approach that penalizes all schools, children, and families needlessly.

The Catholic schools throughout our state and, particular in the densely populated New York City Metropolitan Area, have rightly been held up as a model for safety in these uncertain times. Our Catholic schools opened for full-time, in-person learning weeks before the New York City public schools and have had no significant COVID-19 outbreaks to date.

The Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of New York and the Diocese of Brooklyn have invested millions of dollars and countless personnel hours to prepare for the return of students, and the results have been a remarkable success. Media reports have praised our schools for our innovative social distancing practices, strict adherence to masking and frequent hand washing, and our continuous disinfecting of all public areas. We have shown the city, state and nation that with proper precautions, schools can safely reopen, whether in urban, suburban or rural areas, and can offer first-rate learning experiences even in the midst of a pandemic.

Should our schools be ordered closed by the state absent any significant COVID-19 outbreaks because of inferior protocols at non-Catholic schools, it would be a profound injustice to our families who have placed their trust in us to keep their children safe and whose faith has been richly rewarded to date.

We have been strongly supportive of the state’s efforts to protect our communities from the coronavirus, and we have been enthusiastic partners. We hope to continue that partnership for the good of all.


Dennis Poust, Director of Communications
NYS Catholic Conference

518.225.4882 (cell)

October 5th, 2020|

Archdiocese Appoints Covid-19 Response Coordinator to Keep Students and Faculty in Catholic Schools Safe

September 25, 2020. To ensure the safety of students and faculty, Bridgette R. Mastaglio, MPH, has been appointed by the superintendent of Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of New York as Covid-19 response coordinator.

Ms. Mastaglio will be the primary person responsible for ensuring preparedness and safety of school operations in response to Covid-19, and for managing and implementing responses to Covid-19 infections in Catholic schools.

Ms. Mastaglio will operate under the direction of Michael J. Deegan, the superintendent of schools in the archdiocese. The coordinator will develop and implement all preparedness measures in the schools.

> Click here to read more.

September 25th, 2020|

Cardinal Dolan Thanks Catholic School Teachers, Principals, Priests, Parents & Students

In his “Conversation with Cardinal Dolan” Sirius XM radio broadcast on September 22, Archbishop Timothy Cardinal Dolan discussed how grateful he is to the teachers, principals, priests, parents, and students of the Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of New York for their community effort to safely reopen our schools.

> Click here for the broadcast!

September 25th, 2020|

Catholic Schools In East Harlem Hire John-Paul Barnaba As New Principal

Principal John-Paul Barnaba from the Academy of St. Paul & St. Ann was featured in Harlem World Magazine on September 23. Mr. Barnaba already led his previous school’s transition to remote learning, making a transition within days. His leadership involved overseeing the development of virtual classes, Parent Advisory Meetings, Open Houses, Honors Assemblies, Spirit Week, and hybrid graduation, which featured both virtual and social-distance graduations during the COVID-19 crisis.

A lifelong educator, Principal Barnaba is very happy to lead the new Academy which “builds on the strengths of both the St. Paul’s and St. Ann’s communities.”

> Click here to view the full article.

September 24th, 2020|

In NJ and NY suburbs, private schools see enrollment rise as families seek in-person learning

Students of New York and New Jersey public schools are flocking to private schools due to frustration with the continuation of remote-learning. One such family is the Olivas who have happily transitioned to St. Patrick’s School in Yorktown Heights:

“As soon as the district announced in late summer that it would open for the new school year with strictly virtual instruction, the Olivas sprung into action: They pulled their children from the district and enrolled them in the closest private school with room.

Although Phil Oliva spends more than an hour each day commuting his children to and from St. Patrick’s Catholic School in Yorktown, in Westchester County, he doesn’t regret the decision.

“My kids love their new school and they love their teachers,” he said.

Photo: the Oliva Children, who transferred from public school to St. Patrick’s School, because we offer in-person learning. Photo by: Phil Oliva.

> Click here to view the full article.

September 24th, 2020|

How City Catholic Schools are adjusting to a new normal

As week two of the successful reopening comes to a close for the Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of New York, Pix 11 visited Immaculate Conception School on Gun Hill Road in the Bronx to see how school leaders and families are adjusting to the “new normal.” From advanced cleaning procedures, to spaced out desks and additional technology for remote learners, the crew documented how Catholic schools are rising to the challenge of bringing students back into the classroom.

> Click here to view the Pix 11 Coverage!

September 24th, 2020|

Educators Went ‘Above and Beyond’ to Reopen Elementary Schools, Superintendent Says

Superintendent of Schools Michael J. Deegan visited all of the elementary schools within the Archdiocese of New York in order to personally thank principals, pastors, teachers and staff on the successful reopening of our Catholic Schools. Thanks to the tireless effort of the Catholic Schools Reopening Advisory committee, as well as the leadership at the individual school level, Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of New York enjoyed an extremely successful and joyful return to the classroom this fall.

> Click here to view the full article.

September 23rd, 2020|

Cardinal Dolan Opinion Piece: Congress and Trump have unfinished business: Funding all schools

Wednesday, September 16. Timothy Cardinal Dolan published an Opinion piece in the Washington Examiner, entitled “Congress and Trump have unfinished business: Funding all schools.”

Below is the full article. Click here to view article in the Washington Examiner.

The beginning of a new school year is always a time of excitement for teachers, parents, and especially students as they look forward to reuniting with friends, meeting new challenges, and settling back into a routine of study. This year, because of the coronavirus pandemic, the usual anticipation has been mixed with a sense of anxiety.

Our elected officials in Washington could do enormous good to ensure our children, teachers, and staff have the resources they need to sustain our schools through this pandemic. Both the Senate and the House have proposed tens of billions of dollars more for education. But after more than two months, no agreement has been reached, and a political stalemate continues. The result is the education and well-being of all schoolchildren suffer.

Here in the Archdiocese of New York, our school administrators have done tremendous work preparing for a new model of in-person and remote learning, prioritizing safety but recognizing the importance of getting our children back in the classroom. We’ve had a safe and successful opening with almost all of our students and teachers present. The parents I’ve heard from tell me how much they appreciate the innovative steps our schools took this past March when they had to pivot to online learning and how impressed they are with the steps our schools have taken to prepare for this year.

What’s missing so far, though, is a commitment from many of our elected officials to providing the desperately needed emergency assistance to ensure that all school facilities are safe, that all students and staff have the personal protective equipment and educational resources they need, and that direct assistance is available to help tuition-paying families with the cost of a religious or independent school should they determine such a school to be the best fit for their child.

At the end of the last school year, we had to announce that 20 of our outstanding Catholic schools would not reopen this fall. Understandably, many parents, having suffered losses of income and uncertainty over what the future would bring, could not afford to enroll their children. This was despite the modest tuition our schools charge and even with the generous scholarship assistance we offer.

To their credit, when President Trump and Congress enacted the CARES Act back in March, the measure included the “Education Stabilization Fund,” intended as a quick burst of emergency financial relief to all children and teachers. However, not only was the fund insufficient to address the needs of all schools, the means used to divide the funds among public and independent schools has left many schools, and therefore their respective students and teachers, without any emergency assistance.

The divisive, confusing formula spurred an unnecessary, time-wasting controversy that has pitted public schools against independent schools, even prompting Richard Carranza, the chancellor of the New York City Department of Education, to take an ugly swipe at the private schools that are performing a public service by successfully educating thousands of New York’s students, the majority of whose family incomes are below the poverty line. Carranza said: “As the largest school district in the nation, we need more, not less, funding from our country’s leaders, whose job it is to support public institutions rather than privatization that benefits the privileged few.” New York Mayor Bill de Blasio has even joined in a lawsuit to keep all children in the city from promised funds.

The chancellor and the mayor should know better, and so should government leaders. The job of our country’s leaders is to serve all of the country and, in this case, all students and all teachers in all schools in every state. Crises and disasters of the past, whether they have afflicted the entire country or just some communities, have always brought us together. This time should be no different.

Both houses of Congress and both political parties need to put children first and pass this new education funding for all schools now. The education and safety of our children demand action.

School has started. Parents are calling. Will our nation’s leaders answer the call?

Timothy Dolan is the cardinal archbishop of New York.

September 18th, 2020|

NY Post: “Here’s what functional NYC school systems look like — and it puts DOE to shame”

The New York Post Praised the Opening Process at New York Catholic Schools in an Opinion piece published on September 12th, saying:

“… Meanwhile, the city’s Catholic schools opened all-in-person classes last week. That’s the 60,000-student Archdiocese of New York (covering Manhattan, Staten Island, The Bronx and parts of Westchester) as well as the separate, 22,000-student system covering Brooklyn and Queens.

Students were met with new safety procedures and protocols that included temperature checks, hand sanitizer and masks.

At Immaculate Conception School in The Bronx, an industrious maintenance worker roamed the halls wiping doorknobs, staircase rails, walls, hallways and other contact points…”

Click here for the full article.

September 14th, 2020|

The New Normal – Catholic School Students Across NYC Return to Classrooms

CBS New York was at Immaculate Conception School at Gun Hill Road in the Bronx to document the first day of school. Wednesday was the first day of school for all students attending an Archdiocese of New York Catholic School in New York City. Seventh grader Nailla Thompson was interviewed by the CBS New York news team and said, “I feel kind of nervous, but then I’m also excited because it makes sure that we’re able to go back to school.”

> Click here for the full CBS 2 News Report

September 10th, 2020|

Students flock to NYC Catholic schools as public schools lag behind

The New York Post visited Immaculate Conception School on Gun Hill Road in the Bronx for their first day of school. “Catholic schools across the five boroughs opened on Wednesday — with the COVID-19-fighting regimens of temperature-taking and stair-rail sanitizing mixed with the age-old traditions of crisp new uniforms and first-day jitters.”

Principal Amy Rodriguez said that even the more nervous parents were happy to see all of the safety and cleaning procedures in place. Superintendent of Schools Michael J. Deegan said the Archdiocese of New York is so excited to open the schools for in-person learning.

> Click here for full New York Post Article

September 9th, 2020|

NYC Catholic school students head back to class Wednesday Sept. 9

Catholic Schools in the New York City welcomed back students on September 9. All students will receive five days of classroom instruction with live streaming of lessons to provide synchronous learning. Classrooms and buildings will be outfitted with several new safety protocols as well as technology to allow for accommodations for both in-person and remote students.

> Click here for full SILive Article

September 9th, 2020|

Catholic schools in NYC welcome back students on first day of school

Our parents wanted their children back in the classroom and we worked tirelessly to get them back to school, safely. Thanks to ABC7NY for showcasing the safety precautions at Immaculate Conception School on Gun Hill Road in the Bronx early in the morning, before students arrived.

Click here to view the News Article

Click here to view the video coverage

And, Superintendent Michael Deegan was happy to witness the back-to-school excitement at Immaculate Conception School on Gun Hill Road. After two decades spent as a Catholic educator, this was certainly the most anticipated #ArchDay1!

September 9th, 2020|

Yorktown Heights Catholic School opens for some in-person learning

One of Westchester’s top private schools is reopening today following the Archdiocese of New York’s school reopening guidelines.

Like most private Catholic schools in the state, St. Patrick’s Elementary in Yorktown Heights is planning to bring some students back for in-person learning five days a week — with 85% of parents saying they will send their children to class according to the schedule set by the school.

> Click here to view full News 12 Hudson Valley Coverage

September 8th, 2020|

Bronx Catholic school offers in-person learning 5 days a week to help working parents

Principal Amy Rodriguez of Immaculate Conception School on Gun Hill Road in the Bronx was interviewed by News 12 Bronx this week on the reopening of her school on September 9. Principal Rodriguez speaks about what the first day of school will look like, indicating that a lot of the day will be about teaching the children how to navigate their familiar – yet new – surroundings. She also speaks about the safety preparations that have been put in place as well as new technology, which will allow for synchronized learning if a parent or guardian chooses to keep their child at home. Principal Rodriguez, as well as the staff at Immaculate Conception, are thrilled to welcome back students for in-class learning, five days per week.

Click here to watch the interview!

September 2nd, 2020|

NYC Catholic School Openings Going Ahead Next Week as Scheduled

IMPORTANT NOTICE! Catholic Schools Openings are NOT Affected by Changes in New York Public School Opening Dates

For Families Planning to Attend Catholic Schools in The Bronx, Manhattan and Staten Island in September 2020 (haga clic aquí para la versión en español de este anuncio):

By now, you have likely heard the news that the New York City public schools will not be opening as planned next week. This decision has no bearing or impact on the plans of the Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of New York.

As a result of the combined tireless efforts of the Catholic Schools Reopening Advisory Council and our dedicated pastors, principals and teachers, we are prepared to welcome all of our students into our buildings safely as scheduled. We expect this will not impact UPK programs in our schools, nor will it disrupt transportation or breakfast/lunch services provided by the New York City Department of Education.

This afternoon, with the support of Cardinal Dolan, I sent a letter to Chancellor Richard Carranza and Mayor Bill de Blasio informing them of our intention to move forward on schedule as well as our expectation that the New York City Department of Education would deliver the services which they are obligated to provide our Catholic school children.

As ever, I am grateful for your continued partnership in the sacred mission of Catholic education.

Mr. Michael J. Deegan, Superintendent of Schools
Archdiocese of New York

September 1st, 2020|

Catholic Schools Ready to Follow ‘Blueprint’ to Safely Reopen Next Month

Superintendent of Schools Michael J. Deegan was interviewed by the editor in chief of Catholic New York, John Woods, to speak about everything from the “blueprint” which the Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of New York will follow for a safe opening this September, and which covers everything from technology, to finances and political advocacy.

> Click here to read the full article

August 26th, 2020|

Superintendent of Schools Issues Update on September 2020 Opening Plans

Superintendent of Schools for the Archdiocese of New York today issued an update to parents, teachers, Principals and staff across the Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of New York regarding September 2020 opening plans (haga clic aquí para la versión en español de este anuncio)

You were recently shown a video (click here) providing an overview of the practices and protocols you can expect to see in schools throughout the archdiocese this fall, which will ensure the teachers’ and students’ safe return to our buildings. In addition to these measures, the initial re-entry and subsequent day-to-day monitoring of COVID-related issues will be overseen by the Catholic Schools COVID Coordination Team, which will include a noted expert in the field of public health. The team, overseen by The Health and Safety Task Force of the Office of the Superintendent of Schools, will be supported by a full-time staff dedicated to the health and safety of our students and staff who will monitor and manage our response to COVID-19. They will take the lead in interfacing with local health officials, including the crucial tasks of testing, contact tracing, school notifications any time a school experiences a suspected or confirmed case within the building.

While we are very proud of how our school leaders and teachers shifted to home-based learning overnight, we can all agree the ideal environment for students to pray, learn and grow is within the walls, halls and classrooms of our beloved schools. In many cases, this year, that will mean a hybrid model of in-person and enhanced, remote synchronized and a-synchronized education.

Teachers will be expected to utilize Zoom throughout the school day to engage your children when they are at home, providing the classroom experience of teaching, learning and practice of concepts. Since this technology is new, we have dedicated additional days of professional development for our teachers at the start of school. We anticipate that the first few days will find students, teachers and principals addressing and refining whatever fine tuning will be necessary.

Given the expanse of our regions and the unique physical characteristics of each school building, our gifted and talented principals have tailored the Catholic Schools Reopening: Moving Forward Together guidelines and manual to best serve the needs of their communities. Recognizing that principals have been keeping you informed since March and more recently with the release of our opening plan, in accordance with the governor’s new directives, principals will begin additional outreach to parents in the coming days. These communications will outline daily procedures specific to your school, such as but not limited to: pick up and drop off, meal times, maintenance of facilities, and daily screening procedures. Over the course of the coming weeks, you will have the opportunity to communicate with your principal. We are all blessed to have these dedicated school leaders. This series of communications will culminate in a virtual, interactive meeting to ensure you and your family are as comfortable as possible with the specific reopening plan in place.

As you learn more about the specifics relating to your individual schools, now is an ideal time to contemplate a discussion with your child about what they should expect as school reopens. While they likely have a favorite mask, and they certainly know how to sing two soapy choruses of Happy Birthday at the sink, it will be important for them to know how to implement the best hygiene practices they are already performing within the context of the school day. We have added resources on our website to help you prepare them for wearing a mask throughout the day at school.

Perhaps even more importantly, this will likely be the first time the children will have seen so many of their friends in person since March. Given they will be wearing face coverings and won’t have the usual physical contact or freedom of movement, there are conversations that can be started now addressing the social and emotional aspects of coming back to school in a COVID environment. The mental health professionals at the Archdiocese Drug and Alcohol Prevention Program (ADAPP) have prepared resources for this purpose, and we invite you to utilize them as you see fit.

As evidenced by all of the above, much planning and study has been committed –and will continue- towards safely reopening our school buildings and delivering the academically superior education of which we are all so proud. Ultimately, the people in whose hands these plans will rest, are the dedicated men and women who constitute the finest group of teachers in America today. These selfless, persevering professional educators have met every challenge placed before them and have exceeded expectations throughout the COVID-19 crisis, and we know they will continue to be there for your children in that sacred singular relationship that only exists between a student and their teacher. Not only are they your child’s hero, they are ours as well.


Michael J. Deegan
Superintendent of Schools
Archdiocese of New York

August 13th, 2020|
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