On one side were about 40 mid­dle school stu­dents—half from Tar­ry­town’s Trans­fig­u­ra­tion Catholic School, half from The Lef­fell School, a Jew­ish day school in White Plains. On the other side, stacks of boxes con­tain­ing some 1,250 turkeys, des­tined for area food banks in time for Thanks­giv­ing.

Help­ing the kids out where some very tall men used to toss­ing large round things: mem­bers of the Westch­ester Knicks Bas­ket­ball Team. Or­ches­trat­ing the ef­fort to move the frozen birds from out of the Stop & Shop on White Plains Road into a wait­ing truck was a team of black t-short-clad store em­ploy­ees and staffers from Feed­ing Westch­ester, whose hunger re­lief net­work sup­plies meals to over 200,000 each month.

Article by Barrett Seaman, from the Hudson Independent, November 14, 2022. Click here for the full article.

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