What Makes Us Different? Our Faith!

The Catholic School Region of Staten Island consistently provides a faith-filled, rigorous educational experience.  Children in our schools are taught to believe in God, themselves, and are exposed to an environment that encourages positive learning throughout the day.  Religious education promotes a learning atmosphere that connects students of all faiths and provides students with a higher purpose in life and more social support from peers.

The difference of a faith filled, rigorous academic education is apparent in Staten Island Catholic schools as for several years, our schools have outperformed their public and charter school counterparts in New York State mathematics and ELA scores.

The journey begins in preschool where our students’ formative years of education are developed and encouraged both socially, and emotionally. The belief that our schools are community buildings is supported through strong relationships between the youngest and oldest students. We provide valuable leadership opportunities for our students to become positive role models for each other.

Our students come to us with unique God-given talents, abilities, and interests. They are artists, scientists, musicians, writers, athletes, historians, and mathematicians, and we are committed to updating our classrooms with flexible seating, sensory walkways, and the addition of programming and materials to meet the increasingly diverse needs of our learners. We support and promote the needs of all students from remediation to enrichment through the use of technology. We believe when we teach to each child’s own gifts, and when they are engaged on a personal level — one child at a time — they have a greater chance to succeed. We treat our students as the individuals they are, and that approach has proven successful.

Technology is an integral component in our classrooms. Our schools use Chrombooks, iPads, Interactive Boards and digital learning tools to provide individualized instruction for our students. The Seamless Online Learning Experience (SOLE) program, which began 9 years ago, utilizes iPad and Blackbaud technologies to expose the students in grades six to eight in most of our schools to top quality professors and student mentors. We are committed to the education of our faculty and students to use the most current technology including Google Apps for Education, NWEA’s Adaptive Testing, Clever’s Single Sign-On Portal and innovative digital resources such as Discovery Education. With increased bandwidth and access points, students can use technology tools to support learning. Additionally, our students have the opportunity to participate in the annual robotics competition, which further reinforces our commitment to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM).

The wonderful classroom experiences and atmosphere we provide to our students are a direct reflection of the dedication of our principals, teachers, and staff. We appreciate each and every one of them. Our community continues to be committed to developing responsible citizens by promoting academic success and preparing students for high school and beyond.

Staten Island Region

62 Cloister Place
Staten Island, NY 10306





Patron Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton