Introducing the 2024 Arch Media Awards

The 2024 Arch Media Awards is a prestigious competition open to 6-12th grade students in Catholic schools within the Archdiocese of New York. Students can enter individually or form groups with an adult moderator to create and submit a video following the yearly theme. This is an opportunity for students to showcase their storytelling skills just like professional reporters and editors worldwide.

This is your chance to be part of a prestigious event that celebrates video storytelling, explores faith-based themes, and challenges you to tell stories that can impact the world. Submit your video entry and let your creativity shine at the 2024 Arch Media Awards!

2024 Theme: “Exploring Sacred Spaces”

How do the sacred spaces within your school, such as a chapel, prayer room, statue, or natural surroundings, foster faith and spirituality? Explore and capture the spiritual significance of a sacred place and its impact on your school community.

Consider reaching out to your pastor or other adults to join your exploration, uncovering the history, symbolism, design, and significance behind this sacred space. Explore the rituals, prayers, and moments of introspection that give meaning to this space in your school. Show how it transforms your community, providing solace, unity, and a connection to something greater.

Guidelines for Participants

  • In order to participate in the Arch Media Awards, each student group (or individual) must select a unique name and have an adult moderator who will register on their behalf. The moderator will guide and assist the group or individual in creating their video submission.
  • All participants must have an active role in the video creation process, such as videographer, editor, director, actor, scriptwriter, etc. Each member’s contribution is essential for the project’s success.
  • Video entries must not exceed 90 seconds in length and should be recorded in landscape format using any medium, including smartphones. Videos should tackle the designated theme in a creative and thought-provoking manner. Make sure to watch this introductory video from Monsignor Jim Vlaun, President of the Catholic Faith Network, for valuable tips on creating a winning video for the Arch Media Awards.


  • Friday, April 5: Registration deadline. Moderators are required to register each student group (or individual) separately by submitting an entry. The registration link can be accessed here.
  • Wednesday, May 8: Video submission deadline. Moderators must submit the final video entry to
  • Late May: The winners of the fourth annual Arch Media Awards will be announced as part of a recorded virtual awards ceremony, highlighting the creativity and dedication of our students. Winning videos will be showcased as part of the ceremony.

For more information, email

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The 2023 Arch Media Awards

In 2023, the fourth annual Arch Media Awards was presented in person — for the first time! — in front of a live studio audience at CFN’s newly renovated studios in Yonkers, NY.

The theme of the 2023 Arch Media Awards was: “How are we, as the body of Christ, called to serve?” Drawing inspiration from our rich Catholic tradition of service, students will expand on one of the seven themes of Catholic Social Teaching in relation to this question:

  1. Life and Dignity of the Human Person
  2. Call to Family, Community, and Participation
  3. Rights and Responsibilities
  4. Option for the Poor and Vulnerable
  5. The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers
  6. Solidarity
  7. Care for God’s Creation

Click here to watch the 2023 Arch Media Awards ceremony.

The 2022 Arch Media Awards Show

The theme for the 2022 Arch Media Awards was: “Where Do We See Jesus In Our Schools?” Thank you to all the students, teachers, principals, and pastors for participating!

Click here to watch the 2022 Arch Media Awards Show, presented virtually by the Catholic Faith Network.

The 2021 Arch Media Awards Show

Faced with an ongoing COVID-19 crisis, the 2021 Arch Media Awards asked students to creatively tackle the question: “How has your school responded to COVID-19 as a community of faith?” Participating groups reflected on their Catholic school experience during this time, remembering the support of their principal and teachers.

Winning videos illustrated how their school community responded to COVID-19 by:

  • Conducting daily prayer
  • Organizing service projects
  • Celebrating first Friday Masses
  • Helping community members affected by the virus
  • Dealing with the loss of family members or friends
  • Maintaining or modifying traditions

Click here to watch the 2021 Arch Media Awards Show, presented virtually by the Catholic Faith Network.

The 2020 Arch Media Awards Show

Nearly 200 students from more than 30 schools participated in the first annual Arch Media Awards. The theme assigned was “What Makes My School Catholic.”

While the COVID-19 crisis prevented the awards from being held at the Sheen Center for Thought and Culture, this video, featuring Msgr. James Vlaun from the Catholic Faith Network, Superintendent of Schools, Mr. Michael J. Deegan and celebrity guest, CBS2 Chief Meteorologist Lonnie Quinn is a wonderful salute to the winning submissions and all those who made the first Archies a roaring success.

Click here to watch the 2020 Arch Media Awards Show, presented virtually by the Catholic Faith Network.