Monthly Archives: November 2019

St John School Kingsbridge Helps Pay Tuition for Student Who Lost All in House Fire

When a fire ravaged a St. John's School of Kingsbridge student's home, principal Melissa Moore stepped in. With the help of Inner-City Scholarship Fund, the majority of this student's tuition was covered, and young Sachila is able to stay at the school he calls home. This is a heartwarming story of how Catholic schools step [...]

2019-12-11T17:30:13-05:00November 19th, 2019|Bronx, Schools In The News, Uncategorized|

Staten Island’s St. Adalbert School Students Welcome Veterans at Annual Breakfast

Students at St. Adalbert School in Staten Island hosted their Annual pre-Veterans Day breakfast and assembly for over 100 veterans and their families last Wednesday. The students gifted handmade cards and hearts to the veterans, performed patriotic songs, and took part in the White Table Ceremony -- a remembrance of Veterans who are missing in [...]

2019-12-11T17:30:40-05:00November 13th, 2019|Schools In The News, Staten Island|

MAP Assessments Help Raise Test Scores

Dr. Susan Miller, Associate Superintendent of Curriculum and Staff Development, speaks with NWEA about the specific strategies we employed to improve the New York State Proficiency Test Scores for Catholic Schools across the Archdiocese of New York in Math and English/Language/Arts every year for the last five years. We implemented a targeted approach to instructing [...]

2020-03-16T14:53:33-04:00November 12th, 2019|Schools In The News|

3,500 Catholic Educators Gather, Celebrate Mass on Annual Spirituality Day

The Westchester County Center was filled with 3,500 Catholic school principals, teachers, and administrators yesterday for their annual Spirituality Day. The day consisted of Mass said by Timothy Cardinal Dolan and a keynote speech by former principal, and current Bishop-elect, Monsignor Edmund J. Whalen. Fios1 spoke to attendees about what makes the Catholic school system [...]

2019-12-11T17:42:32-05:00November 8th, 2019|Schools In The News|
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